Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 2

Just a quick update. First of all, Anthony is now with us. Here is, quite possibly, the cutest picture ever!!! They really are fraternal triplets, but very hard to tell them apart, especially with their hats on. Graham's hair is a little lighter than the other two, and of course Anthony is a little bit smaller. Graham's nose seems to turn up just a little bit more than the other two. And they all have scratched their own faces in different places...still look a lot alike at this stage!!!

Jack, Graham and Anthony:

OK, now for more of the details. All the boys are doing great, and Mom is doing great as well.
Anthony spent the night in the NICU, even though we could have gotten him up here if we really pushed for it. Since we were sending the other two to the nursery at least a few times during the night, the NICU nurse said that they would just keep Anthony over night. He came upstairs a little bit ago, so we now have all three with us. As always, the boys have lost just a little bit of weight, but nothing major. Actually, since Anthony has been in the NICU and feeding on formula, he's actually maintained his weight, but Jack and Graham have both lost about an ounce, but nothing to be concerned about. They are all eating very well.
The doctors and nurses have all come by today and checked babies and Mom out...all good reports. Dr Strauss came by and chatted (have I said that we love Dr Strauss lately?)
He said that we'll be going home either Sunday or Monday (largely our decision) and that all of the boys will go home with us. Amazing huh!?!?!
Melissa is still doing some general pain meds, but has no more IV (came out about 8:30 am) and has been up on her feet a few times today. We're going to be taking some laps around the floor shortly, with the goal of 3 laps by the end of the day.
All in all, we're doing great. Thanks to everyone for the all the emails and calls and well wishes!!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, those are beautiful babies! It's amazing how well everybody is doing. Love getting the updates, and am thinking about all of you often. Hope Chase is doing well, too.

Unknown said...

We always knew Melissa was a trooper but now it appears the boys are too. Anthony is probably trying to best the other two boys by gaining weight in order to keep up. Thank you, Jason, for the wonderful updates. Can not wait to hear what Chase thinks of his role as big brother. Love to all
The Flemings

rose said...

OMG!!! Holy cuteness batman! That picture is just a bug ball of love. Has Chase met his brothers yet?