Saturday, October 22, 2011

A few pictures

I just sent out a snapfish link to some pictures but thought that I would post just a couple here along with a more recent update. What is new in our house?

1. Chase is nearing the end of his first soccer season (with me as the coach!) and he LOVES it. I can't believe how good he has gotten over the last few weeks. His confidence is getting higher and in the last game he scored 6 goals - although technically we don't keep score at the YMCA!

Getting ready for soccer
2. Graham has been crawling for about a month now and is pulling up on EVERYTHING he can get his hands on. He is about 2 months ahead of Chase in this arena and I am already tired of telling him to stay away from ______ (insert a location here!). I am starting to panic at the thought of Anthony and Jack joining him. Anthony is just starting to crawl for short distances while Jack is kinda happy just sitting around and watching the madness.

3. Chase is finishing his 2nd month of preschool and he LOVES it as well. It is also through the YMCA and his teachers are amazing. He loves going and I love listening to him tell me about his day and what he and his friends did today.

Chase 3 year picture taken by Mike Smith
4. Rokky is still around! With the way the last 6 months have taken a toll on our pets, I honestly wasn't sure how Rokky would react to being an only dog. While he is a little more watchful of where I go, he seems to be doing okay and adjusting.
Graham and Rokky

5. We took our first BIG trip away from home with the boys and survived. It went better than either Jason or I could have imagined which makes us more willing to think about doing it again in the future!

Graham, Anthony, Jack (L-R)
No, these aren't our Halloween costumes! J, G, C, A (l-r)
We are getting geared up for Halloween so I will try to get pictures and little post up sooner rather than later.