Sunday, September 12, 2010

16 weeks and counting

It is hard to believe that I am already to the 16 week point in this pregnancy. The reason I say this is two-fold: the first is that it means that I am almost half-way there and that is a cause for panic when I think of all the things I still need to consider. The second is because of the size of my stomach. I am friends with a girl at work who has the same due date as I do. We laugh when we stand side-by-side because she only has this delicate little "breakfast bump" while I on the other hand - well, I will let the photo do the talking! (Then keep reading the entry)

My energy level is pretty good all things considered. I am still battling the acid reflux. My doctor prescribed me Nexium which didn't seem to really help all that much so I have switched to an OTC and we'll see how it goes. Jason and I went to our first TMOTT (Triangle Mothers of Twins and Triplets) meeting this past week and it was eye-opening and helpful in a couple of ways. While there weren't many 'newcomers' in our meeting, there was only 1 other woman there with triplets and she was only 20 weeks along. So while we think it will help to be members, we are also taking advantage of the 'triplet connection' which is a program geared specifically toward triplets and quads. There really is a big difference between having 2 babies and having 3 babies (other than the number itself) so we are looking for people who have triplets for advice.

Chase is still doing well at daycare and they love him. His teacher tells me everyday how much she enjoys having him and what a sweet boy he is, which a mother never hears too much!

Jason and I are still in the process of meeting with contractors to make a final decision on finishing the attic. We have narrowed down the plans and are now having contractors return to make a 'final bid' on the project as we have drawn to this point. We need to get started sooner rather than later if we are going to make our Christmas deadline. It could get real interesting around here during the holidays!

We find out next week the genders of the babies and I have to admit that while I was disappointed with having to find out, now that I have resigned myself to the fact, I am anxious to know. We will be sharing the genders with everyone but not the names. We still feel like there should be some sort of mystery involved with their birth since so much of the rest will be planned (scheduled C-section unless there are complications, etc).