Yet again, more good news was shared. My weight gain is great (his words, although I can't feel the same was since I am the one gaining all this weight!). Blood pressure and first round of lab work came back normal, yeah! We are waiting to hear about the blood glucose results to see if gestational diabetes has developed. Here is a prime reason why I really like Dr. Strauss. He point blank told Jason and I that it is not uncommon for multiples, triplets in particular, to 'fail' this test. He said that each placenta automatically creates more glucose because that is how the baby gets his nutrients. Therefore, with 3 placentas, I will most likely not be within normal range. All this means, again in his words, is that I will have to be inconvenienced and come back to UNC for a 4 hour glucose curve test. He said there is a good chance that those results will also show high, but not to worry. We will talk about the next step if we have to go there. So instead of me panicking and worrying about the blood results, I haven't even thought about them (until writing this entry tonight). That is how a doctor keeps his patients calm and in control. He took a quick peek at the boys to check heart beats and all are healthy and strong. He asked Jason and I a few questions about plans once the babies were born (support system, nursing plans) and was pleased to hear that we had already been talking about those things and seem to have a good support system in place and ideas about pumping and formula feedings. He said he just likes to check with his patients at this point and make sure that conversations are at least taking place.
All in all, he couldn't be more pleased. I did ask about some swelling I have had in my left leg in particular (a warning sign of preeclampsia) and he told me that what I have is normal and gave me more specific things to look for (none of which I have experienced).
We set the next appointment (growth and measurement ultrasound) for Tuesday, December 14th and then the next set appointment isn't until Friday, January 7th. I am sure that I will see him at the ultrasound clinic for a 'quick check up' between those dates but he doesn't seem to worried about seeing me, which I have to take as a good sign.
Here are the pictures that got you to read this far (or at least scroll here!)
16 weeks (below) vs 20 weeks (below)
24 weeks (below) vs 28 weeks (below)
Chase wanted to pose too!