Right now, I have 3 sleeping infants and a 3 year old who is having 'quiet time'. Unfortunately for me, I believe he has officially given up naps! :( Most days I can get him to sit quietly either in his crib or the playroom for a little over an hour so I can try to get some 'me' time at home. Right now the only other 'me' time I get is when I take the boys to the nursery at the YMCA and I go to the gym for an hour. With that being said, we try to go to the YMCA every day during the week!
I have come to realize that there are usually 2 general types of reactions I get when I venture out with all 4 kids by myself. 1) The public stare and slow walk in the opposite direction. You know, the person who accidentally made eye contact and then wants to pretend it didn't happen? The one who wants to stare but knows it isn't polite so they look every direction but yours. Or the one who is so freaked out by the sheer number of children that they go the opposite direction in a hasty, panicked retreat. 2) The "oh my goodness, you have your hands full" crowd. These people usually make some polite small talk and ask if there is anything they can do to help. Unfortunately, by the time they get the answers to the questions they want to ask and offer the help, we have reached the point where Chase opens the door and we are set. I do appreciate their offers however. In most cases, it is honestly just easier for me to keep my 'balanced movement' than to stop and explain how they can help me. Push a stroller, help Chase in the parking lot, carry an infant seat - you get the picture. While it isn't easy to go public with all 4, I have found that the more we do it, the more routine it becomes and honestly, it helps us all. The change in scenery is good for us all mentally and it kills a large portion of the day to try and get anywhere.
Chase has been home with me for about a month now and I have to say that it has gone better than expected. We have been spending lots of time inside because 1) it is just too hot outside when I finally get all 3 babies down for a nap 2) he is already bored playing ball with Mommy 3) it is quicker for me to attend to the babies when they fuss. With that being said, Chase and I have had some art projects we have made, read lots of books, play trains multiple times a day and watch various TV shows together that then become the basis for our 'exercise time'. Chase is doing push ups and yoga poses with me for muscular strength and then we run circles playing chase (the game, not the child) or dinosaur for our cardio. While it may not be traditional, it works for us and we both have fun laughing and being silly. He is going to Wee Camp through the YMCA this week for half a day. Today he had lots of 'missing mommy' time - aka he cried alot. The irony is that he admitted it to me, my mom and to Jason so at least he is consistent with his story! I am hoping that things get better tomorrow or this could make for a really long week!
The triplets are doing amazing. It is hard to believe that they are 5 months old today (look Jason, I got it right and didn't have to correct it). I say that because I have recently been thinking they are 6 months - wishful thinking, right!? Graham is VERY close to rolling over from his back to his belly and I think Jack will be next. For now, Anthony is just happy as he is. We had them baptized 2 weeks ago and they did amazing. I am working on some pictures and will try to post them when I get them finalized. They are eating 4 bottles a day and cereal at dinner. I would guess that each boy gets between 2-3 tablespoons of cereal. I have to say that I guess because I mix 1 big bowl and feed them assembly line style. I usually mix about 3 tablespoons per bowl and end up making 2-3 bowls per night depending on how hungry they are. They take their last bottle shortly after 8 PM and are asleep by 9 PM at the latest. They usually start to stir around 6 AM but pacifiers are replaced and they have been letting us sleep until almost 7:30 AM before they decide they are ready to eat.
Chase is an amazing big brother. He is so sweet and will talk to the boys, stroke their heads, even yell at them on occasion when they cry for no reason. It is really funny and he makes me laugh and them too on a regular basis. They are enamored with him and watch his every move. They are happiest when he and I are on the floor at their level so they can see what he is doing. It is funny to watch them try to imitate him - whether it be a noise/sound he makes to get them to laugh or moving a body part - the copying is already beginning. We are trying to explain to Chase that he has to be a good example to his brothers because they watch him all the time. It helps when they repeat an action he does and really makes his eyes get big with wonder when it happens.
Jason is busy at work but not so busy that he is having to work all night at home like he used to. It is a good thing because in all honesty, most nights he barely makes it in the door before dinner is ready and someone (dogs included) need some help from him. The evening hours are the craziest obviously, with dinner for Chase, Jason, myself, the dogs and the babies. The good news is that Chase is starting to eat more of what we do so depending on what I serve for dinner, we are down to 3 meals (again, dogs included because they have to fed in that time frame as well). He is enjoying the new challenges at work and is doing some 'day trips'. I think he knows that an overnight trip isn't an option unless my mom is here. Not because I can't handle it physically- although I would be exhausted - but he knows upon his return my mental state may be shredded and shattered. Most days once we feed the triplets in the morning, I don't sit down until after lunch. I try to use the calm of the morning to start laundry, wash bottles, make beds, play with Chase, iron, clean house and I have found that if I sit down, I am less likely to get those things done. Just knowing that he will be home for 1 feeding at night and to deal with either the triplets or Chase (usually Chase) makes it easier to get through the day.
We did go to my mom's neighborhood pool for several hours yesterday. We made the decision to go as soon as the pool opened so we got our choice of covered seating, some cooler temperatures and only 1 bottle for the boys. We all had a good time and it was nice to get outside and spend some time together. Jason sat and 'rested' for the first little bit while I took Chase down the water slide and then he took over slide duty with Chase and I sat with the babies. We agree that it will continue to get easier to do some of this stuff when the boys can sit up on their own because they just get too hot in the car seats and they don't like to lay flat. They tend to be nosy and want to see what is going on around them.
We are planning our first overnight trip for July 4th. Headed to Charlotte to visit with Jason's brother. Should be quite interesting. Even with some of the 'big items' being made available from their friends, we will still look like the Griswald's as we drive down I-40/I-85 for a simple 2 night outing. This could be the determining factor on how often we try to travel outside of our own home with the triplets. If you don't hear from me by the end of July, know that I didn't survive or that someone else didn't.
Also on the horizon is Chase's 3rd birthday (July 12th) I can't believe he will be 3. But then again, I also can't believe I have 4 kids either. As Jason said recently, he can't believe that we will celebrate our 4th anniversary (July 5th) and we have 4 kids! If you had asked me 4 years ago if this is where I thought I would be, I couldn't have even guessed but I love my life and most of the minutes in it! I will try to get some pictures up soon.