Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The eye of the storm....

I can honestly say that I have been thinking about multiple posts that needed to be written over the course of the last month or so. Unfortunately, thinking about them hasn't led to me sitting down and taking the time to organize my thoughts enough to actually write them.

For that lack of focus, I offer this series of events....

End of school for triplets
End of school for Chase
No summer school course taught by me meaning I had the ...
Entire month of June to spend with my boys
Chase turning 8
Start of school - second grade and KINDERGARTEN

As the boys started school this week, I have had 2 of the triplets each day while the other goes for his staggered entry. Starting tomorrow all 4 boys will be in the same school at the same time. While the middle of the day will bring me time to catch up, I also know that the beginning of the day before drop-off and the end of the day after I pick them up will bring complete chaos. I feel like I am in the eye of the some point, I will figure out all this newness but for now I have to take it one day at a time and survive the storm. Until then, here a just a few snapshots of the boys....

Pre-School Graduation from NRCOC (J,G,A)

Family trip to Oak Island

Swim Team end of season banquet

I promise that more details about each of the above mentioned will come soon.....

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