Monday, July 15, 2013

Chase turns 5!

This is not the emotional entry I write about how my little boy is growing up, that comes next. This will just share with everyone how he spent his special day.

Jason and I decided this year that we weren't going to throw some big party for Chase. What we have discovered usually happens at those is he finds the couple of friends he really wants to be with and the rest kind of find their own group, so we started with the small group and nothing else. We had a two-part plan. Sunny weather and rainy weather. The sunny weather plan involved the pool and lunch and swimming and ice cream. The rainy weather plan involved lunch and a movie.

The weather was bad so we went with the rainy weather plan. I must thank Chic-Fil-A for deciding to hold a Cow Appreciation Day on Chase's birthday - it made for a cheap lunch for me to buy! Chase and 3 friends, Cam, Joey and Reese got to wear cow shirts to lunch and be silly and laugh at all the other people dressed like cows. From there, we went to see Monsters University at the movie theater. Jason and Nana stayed home with the little boys and my Mom came with me. I have to admit that I am sorry Jason didn't come with but it was nice to have Chase time without the triplets. It is rare that he and I get to go anywhere without the little ones. I think he enjoyed it too because when we talked about a seeing a few of the previews when they are released later this summer, he said we should leave his brothers at home with his Daddy! (cracks me up)

Reese, Chase, Joey and Cam - best buds

Chase, Joey, Cam, Reese - loading up on popcorn and candy

After the boys went home, Chase had some special visitors - Miss Whitney, Mr. Bryan and Cody stopped by to say Happy Birthday and give Chase a special gift.

Man does he love those people! We are lucky to know them.

After Whitney and Bryan left, Chase got packed up for sleepover with Grandma and Cousin Bise at Grandma's house. They played his new Monsters University game, ate dinner and watched a movie.
Basically a great day was had and this was only round 1. The next day we were having lunch with the family at our house. Nothing fancy but still enough for Chase to think he was having another birthday party!

Part of the crew for family lunch

After lunch we had cake

Sully and Mike from Monsters University

Then Popi brought out some OLD hockey gear that Daddy wore when he was little. Chase thought that was cool and couldn't wait to try it out!

All dressed up with no ice to play on
Showing his mean face to intimidate you

After most of the family had gone home, Daddy assembled the new basketball goal that Grandma gave him and the boys had a great time shooting baskets and swinging outside.

Our new basketball goal. Inside the back garage for now

Swing time! Chase can finally swing by himself.

Okay, I am finally caught up. The next entry will be my sappy thoughts about Chase being five!


Spring said...

They are ALL getting so big!!!
I just tried Caden on the regular swing last week, he immediately let go & landed on his back :( thankfully he was just hanging out & I had not pushed him at all!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a lot of fun for Chase!! My oldest daughter will be 5 in August and her triplet siblings are 2 so I know how rare and special that alone time with them is. Happy Birthday to Chase!