Friday, September 28, 2012

A little education from Chase....

While there are no pictures for this post, I couldn't let the memory escape without mention. as Chase and I were outside last night after the triplets went to sleep, I was shocked by what he knows that I am not aware of. You see, the weather was perfect for some night sky gazing. We first talked about the moon because it was almost full and absolutely beautiful against the black sky. chase says to me, you know mom, the moon and the sun circle around each other so when you can see the moon, the sun is behind it. While I know this isn't absolutely correct in terms of astrology, I was still impressed that at least had the general concept. He then surprised me even more when we started to look at different stars and he told me that when you get a group of stars into a shape they make a constellation.

WHERE DOES THIS KID GET THIS STUFF?! I don't know and quite honestly I don't care. Wherever he is learning it, I just want it to continue.

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