Sunday, August 12, 2012

Chase's 4 year checkup

I have made a habit of posting the results of the doctor checkups for the triplets so I felt it was only fair to do the same for Chase. I made his appointment in the afternoon during nap time and got a sitter for the little ones so Chase and I could go by ourselves. I honestly wasn't sure if he was due for any shots so we talked about the fact that the nurse may prick his finger for a blood test and he may get some shots too. Well after getting his stats (36 pounds, 40 inches tall, passed hearing screen and vision is awesome) we went to the room to wait for the doctor. I can tell that my little boy is getting older because he wasn't really keen on having to strip down to his underwear and wait. To ease his nervousness, he sat in my lap and played games on my phone. I got to snuggle and he was distracted. As he sat there, I realized that his shins were COVERED in bruises, and I mean covered as in there was almost no space without a shade of bruise. When the doctor came in and we started talking, I made mention of the fact that I don't beat him despite what his legs may show. She reassured me by saying that when they see bruises on the shin they see that as a sign of an active child and are encouraged, not discouraged. Whew, now I could breathe a little and get on with the checkup. That is, until she started asking Chase questions. I really like the fact that she asked him the questions directly however, his answers made me question even that! She asked him what he liked to drink. Easy enough I figured. His responses, "Chocolate milk and milk". Me being nervous made sure to clarify that they are 2 different things. He then said juice and paused. I keep waiting for him to say water because he drinks tons of water in the summer but he never would. I finally had to prompt him and he finally said water. Whew, one down, how many to go? She then asked what kind of fruit he likes. Easy! He will have no problem with this since we eat TONS of fruit, especially fresh fruit in the summer. His response, "Toy Story fruit snack and Mommy fruit snacks". Note by now I am shrinking in my chair with embarrassment as I say, No buddy, like the fruit with eat with lunch and dinner. Chase - silence. What did you have before we came here? I ask. Chase - silence. Okay kid, you are officially killing me! The doctor finally gives him some examples and he answers with her choices. Ugh! She then moves to the physical exam where all looks good and declared that we are done and can go home, but not before asking about vaccines. She gave me all the options and we decide to postpone them until next summer when he turns 5 because we haven't officially decided when he will start kindergarten and I figure there is no reason to give them any sooner than we have too. Besides, no shots or blood work made me super mom, especially when he got a lollipop in the car for the short ride home. All in all, it was a good visit and he got the all clear until next year. Scratch that, until flu shot time!

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