Let's start here:
Graham can sit up on his own for periods of time but is still a little wobbly when he forgets to focus on what he is doing. He tends to lean forward and end up on his stomach when that happens and then he just decides to stay where he is instead of trying to sit back up.
Jack and Anthony are sitting, kind of. Anthony has more patience and is willing to try if I let him sit in between my legs but Jack really has no use for it at all. He was the same way when it came to rolling over from his back to his belly. He has the skill but he has figured out that if he just waits, Graham and Anthony will 'toss' toys his way and he can stay where he is!
All 3 are eating solids with 2 meals now. Two bottles in the morning, cereal and fruit at lunch, afternoon bottle, cereal and vegetable at dinner and bottle at bedtime. I am going to start giving another round of cereal in morning and possibly add a fruit at dinner but that just seems like so much work right now! However, with Chase starting preschool in a couple of weeks, I need to get this figured out so I can get out of the house and him to preschool on time. Not sure how that is going to work, but I don't have much of an option in this now do I?
Boys are sleeping really well. They usually go down between 7:30-8:00 PM and Graham starts to stir around 6:30-6:45 AM with Jack and Anthony waking shortly thereafter. Chase has been getting up closer to 7:45-8:00 AM with a bedtime around 8:00 PM (since he has decided he no longer wants to take a nap!)
We get out of the house and go to the YMCA 4-5 times a week. The boys (little ones) go to the nursery and Chase goes to the playhouse while I either go to Zumba, a spin class or just walk outside or on the treadmill. While it isn't easy getting us all loaded, unloaded, loaded and unloaded again, the time is worth it for ALL of us! Chase enjoys playing with kids. The triplets like the different surroundings and the staff who spoil them and I enjoy, no NEED, the time for just me!
Hopefully Chase will adjust to his new sleeping arrangements with no problem. He has started to make comments in the last few weeks about getting bigger and almost not fitting in his crib anymore. I took that as a sign that he may be ready. We started by not having his moon/stars mobile over the crib when he fell asleep. For a long time, if the moon didn't play, he couldn't fall asleep. When the batteries died and I didn't have any replacements, it was the perfect chance to see how he would do without it. He only asked about it once and has done just fine since. With that being said, I set out on the search for the perfect big boy bedding. I really didn't want to have to paint his room another color so when my Mom found this set, we were in luck! She bought the turtle as a 'surprise' for his new bed and it was a HIT! The turtle's name is Yertle. Why Yertle you may ask? Because we have a floor puzzle with Yertle the Turtle from Dr. Seuss that he loves to do and it was the first thing that came to mind when we asked him what the turtle's name was. Oh, the mind of a child!
Next week we head to the beach with all the kids...I am sure that will be a week full of stories to share, and possibly some not to be shared! I will be sure to post pictures that we take there and try to capture the boys' first reactions to sand and ocean. They all love the pool but the salt water could be a different story. For now, here are some recent pictures of our big boys!
Getting ready for bath time - G, A, J, C
Jack playing in the bouncy chair
Anthony laughing at who knows what....he is always smiling it seems!
Graham in his favorite position - on his tummy!
Chase on his new big boy bed with Yertle
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