Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Message from mom

Well, obviously Jason has been doing all the posts recently since I have been out of it and a little busy. I finally have 3 sleeping babies, 2 extra adults and a 2 1/2 year old taking a bath with Daddy's help so I thought I would try to get a quick post written. Let me first give tons of credit to my mom, Jason's mom, my grandparents from Florida and my Aunt Pat who traveled in from California for allowing Jason and I to survive the first 3 days at home with the babies. Not that it is going to last, but without them here to help feed and change and hold babies, fix meals, do laundry and shuttle Chase back and forth to daycare, we wouldn't have even made it this far. I am recovering better than I expected, but I have to admit I wasn't sure what to expect. I am following doctor's orders and limiting trips up and down the stairs but still trying to move around upstairs a little bit. My wound is healing great and my pain level has been relatively low (even when the meds are starting to wear off). I think the hardest part is sitting around and having people 'work' in my house while I sit and watch - not exactly my style to sit back and do nothing!

So, how are things really going with the boys? Honestly, fairly well overall. We had a rough night last night. We have been lucky up till that point and were getting about 4 hours between feedings at night - unheard of with most newborns! Unfortunately, two of the boys didn't want to sleep so Jason and I played the 'what do you need' guessing game until we got close enough to feeding time. Then we all had a better shift of sleep.

We went to the pediatrician for our first visit yesterday morning. We actually had all 4 boys with us because Chase had been pulling at his ears and has a cough that we wanted checked out. Chase just has a cold - sent him to daycare. All three boys got a clean bill of health. All gained weight, passed all the 'tests' and are scheduled to go back on Friday for weight checks. As long as they continue to gain weight, we will get to extend the time between visits.

We have been taking lots of pictures, just haven't had time to transfer them from the camera to the blog so maybe in the next couple of days we can put this on our To-Do list. Jason is formulating the next entry in his head so be on the look-out.

We keep having people ask how we came up with the names for the boys so I thought I would share with everyone all at once.

With my dad being gone, I had decided that the first boy (Baby A) would have Michael as a middle name - my right as Mom to be picky with this one. I have always loved the name Jackson, wanting to have a "Jack". Then I realized that Jackson Michael Liner would give him same initials as Jason (JML) so anything monogrammed or engraved would have a son to be passed down to. We then both agreed that we wanted to have Baby B use David (Jason's dad) for his middle name. Jason liked the name Graham so we decided on Graham David for Baby B. Then came time for Baby C. Since I didn't get my girl to have named after me, we decided to use Anthony to reflect my middle name (Ann). We both liked the name Samuel so Baby C became Anthony Samuel. So there is the history of the names.

Well, quiet time is over. Chase is out of the bath and off and running. The boys are getting close to needing their next feeding so I need to get out 3 diapers, 3 bottles, 3 burp cloths and probably 3 new outfits for post-feeding spit ups!

I really want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers and well-wishes. We appreciate all the offers for meals and help. As we continue to figure out our needs, we will be sure to collect on some of the meals and Chase play date offers. I will try to do another mom update before the boys turn 18!

1 comment:

Nora Lee said...

The Liner "Herd" are in our thoughts. Wish we could be there to help, but we are enjoying the very regular updates and it really makes us feel like a part of the excitement.

Side note, I met up with a high school friend of mine this evening and was introduced to her 4 week old new baby boy... his name... Jackson (and I instantly thought of ya'll). He is the longest 4 week old I've ever seen, but considering his mom is 6'1" and dad is 6'3", I'd expect no less.

You are so blessed to be surrounded by your supportive and loving family. We just keep saying, "3 babies and a 2 year old? Lord, we can't imagine managing to have one and keeping it somewhat together!"

Glad you are recovering well, Melissa. I know it's killing you to sit still, but you'll be running around in no time... enjoy a little peace while you can!

We love you all and are thinking about you!
Brian & Nora Lee