Wednesday, January 12, 2011

33+ Weeks Appointment Update

Let me first start by saying that if all continues as is.....15 days!!! We are officially scheduled for the first C-section of the day on January 27th for the delivery of the triplets. (not that I am counting or anything!) Okay, now that I have that written down, on to the real news update.

I went this morning for my final growth and measurement ultrasound. Baby A weighed 4 lbs, 3 ounces; had a heart rate of 157 bpm and was practicing his breathing on a regular basis. Baby B weighed 4 lbs, 1 ounce; had a heart rate of 134 bpm and was also practicing his breathing on a regular basis. Baby C weighed 4 lbs, 12 ounces (yes, I typed that correct); had a heart rate of 145 bpm and also practiced his breathing for us. The ultrasound technician also looked at the blood flow within the umbilical cord for each boy. This was the first time that she has looked at that. The best guess I have is because they are trying to make sure that the boys all have enough room to continue growing for the next 15 days. Because there were no appointments yesterday, I went today and therefore Dr. Strauss was not at the ultrasound clinic. His associate called him (at his request) prior to coming in and talking to me. Both he and his associate were VERY excited with the results of the scans. The doctor did mention that the boys had plateaued in terms of their growth percentages but that is very normal and absolutely nothing to worry about. As a matter of fact, everything else was so good that she only mentioned this in passing.

We will go weekly for what they call biophysical profiles. In essence, they will be looking at the movement patterns of the boys. Normally, they would have me sit in a chair connected to a monitor to check for movement but with 3 that isn't very effective. So I will go back on Tuesday, January 18th at 11:00 AM for my first BPP (that is how they abbreviate it.). Then next Friday, I have a regular check-up at UNC with Dr. Strauss at 10:45 AM and then we will schedule another BPP at Rex on January 25th with Dr. Strauss before the C-section on January 27th. I can't believe that I will have 4 more appointments and then the boys will be here.

I am still working full-time, which amazes everyone (family, friends, co-workers) alike. It is kinda comical when teachers see me on campus. I think I have the administration and my department members on high alert. If/when something were to happen, there is a code that the administration is going to use over the walkie-talkies to 'take care of me'. Of course, my co-worker Chris has already been assigned to "hospital delivery duty" and has said that Jason can meet us there - he isn't waiting for Jason to get to school! I am actually better off at work than at home it seems since I have an entire team of people keeping track of me.

Chase is doing well. He is officially 2 1/2 today which amazes me. I still don't think he has any idea what is going to happen when these boys actually arrive. I am still trying to work through what to tell him when we go to the hospital to have the babies. We have to make sure that we are careful with our words so he doesn't panic. Well, I hope that the next post is the result of the BPP next week and not anything more exciting. Until then....

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