Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Almost 30 week - appointment update

One word: Awesome. Dr. Strauss continues to be amazed at how well things are going. Everything with me looks great (even though I hit a wall last night and was miserable due to the four hours of constant movement and discomfort from the boys 'moving') cervix, blood pressure all great. The boys continue to amaze Dr. Strauss. They are literally clustered together on the growth chart hovering around the 33% range. That number is in comparison to a singleton pregnancy so the 'low' rating is not alarming or bad in any way. As a matter of fact, Dr. Strauss commented that he can't remember the last time that triplets all clustered like that on a growth chart. What that means is that they are all developing at the same rate and that makes him very happy. Heartbeats were all strong (upper 130- mid 140) and their weights are heavier than most singletons at this stage. (A - 3 lbs; B- 2 lbs, 15 oz; C- 3 lbs 2 oz). All vital organs look great and all is well.

I asked Dr. Strauss to give me a timeline for delivery. Actually, what I asked for what the best (worst) case scenerio - he says that if I make it that the latest he would deliver the boys is January 27th - YES, 36 full weeks! While I understand that it is great news, it is also hard to think about lasting 6 more weeks, especially if they keep gaining weight like they have over the last 4 weeks (each boy gained 1 lb +) By the end of this, I could possibly be carrying between 12-14 lbs of babies. I can't even begin to imagine how they would fit if they were all that big or how I would manage to do anything but it is still good news to hear.

I have 5 more days with students and then a teacher workday next Wednesday and then I am done with work for Christmas break. If (and that is a big IF) I go back after Christmas, I would start with a workday on Jan. 3rd but I am not making any promises beyond next week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love getting news about you and the gang. Continue taking care of yourself. Love and Hugs from the Fleming Family to all!