Tuesday, November 16, 2010

25 1/2 week appointment update

25 1/2 weeks and all is great! All three boys are growing exactly as we had hoped and doing their best to make me even bigger! So all the anatomy results are fabulous. We even got to watch the boys 'exercise their lungs' as the nurse called it. This was good to hear. One of the biggest problems preemies normally have is under-developed lungs so the fact that they are strengthening theirs in the womb is good news in my opinion. The stats we got are as follows:

Trip A - 151 bpm heart rate; amniotic fluid level almost 7 mm; weight 2 lbs, 1 ounce; 58th percentile for overall growth

Trip B - 134 bpm heart rate; amniotic fluid level just over 6 mm; weight 1 lb, 11 ounces; 34th percentile for overall growth

Trip C - 144 bpm heart rate; amniotic fluid level 6.5 mm; weight 1 lb, 12 ounces; 47th percentile for overall growth

It is not abnormal for multiples to be at different growth rates and percentiles. The good news is that all three are making great progress and the doctor continues to be happy with that. Because each boy has his own sac and placenta (in layman's terms = nutrient source), percentages aren't too concerning to anyone as long as they continue to grow and develop - which they are. Chase always measured small on growth charts (and still does to this day). We are continuing to focus on all the positives which is what the doctors are focused on too.

My next appointment is Friday, December 3rd and I will actually go to Chapel Hill to the hospital for that one. I will have my gestational diabetes test and other exam items done at that time. Until then, no news continues to be fabulous news.

I am still working full-time and feel pretty confident about my first working goal of Thanksgiving. From there I plan to take it one week at a time. I will get to the point of having weekly appointments pretty soon so if Dr. Strauss tells me I need to wrap it up, then I will. Until then, Thanksgiving is right around the corner so I will keep my focus there and not get too far ahead of myself with anything else. Below are a few pictures we got today. Because the boys are getting bigger and do not have the kind of space they used to, the pictures are harder to get (at least the 'cute' ones). We are still able to get the important anatomical shots - even with them moving and kicking all over - but the 'family' shots are harder to get.

Trip A really wanted nothing to do with a 'family' picture today. He kept rolling over and showing us his back, literally. So this is a shot of his left shoulder at the top of the picture and some ribs just below that. He is looking away from the camera so the back of his head is all you will get from him.

Trip B gave us a nice profile shot. Looks like he has a HUGE nose but it is cool to be able to see such distinct profile parts (eye socket, nose and lips).

Trip C turned his face toward us when she took this shot so he looks more like a skeleton. You can see his left eye socket pretty clearly and the outline of a nose in the middle of the head with his chin sticking out toward the middle of the screen. His left hand is raised above his belly.

Trip C again with the alien 3D shot. He is holding his hand above his head in a fist with his thumb sticking out. Looks like this is our photogenic boy. Pretty cute though!


MoDBarb said...

I'm glad that things are going well for you and "the boys." If you would like to connect with other women who are pregnant, please go to the March of Dimes site: www.shareyourstory.org .
I look forward to reading future posts.

KO said...

Glad to hear things are going well still! Always thinking about you guys!