Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Appointment Recaps and Future Appointments

Well, we are now "public" with our news about the triplets. We are overwhelmed with the whole situation, including the outpouring of kind words, encouragement and support that we are already getting. We have such a great group of friends and family. This huge support group gives us a lot of comfort in a situation that is not very comfortable (just ask Melissa)!

Among other things on this blog, we will try to keep everyone updated of upcoming appointments. The easiest format for me to track appointments and results looks like this:
9/21/2010: (17.5 weeks) - Planned appt for the developmental ultrasound. This is the one where they will be able to check out the sex of the babies, look at the heart, lungs, etc.
8/24/2010: (13.5 weeks) - Planned appt for standard consult. Probably will take a quick peak at the babies on ultrasound and talk about how things are going.
8/10/2010: (11.5 weeks) - Standard check-up with Dr Strauss. Full ultrasound. Everything looks good with both Melissa and the babies.
7/21/2010: (8.5 weeks) - First appt at UNC. Dr Strauss. On ultrasound, we saw all three babies heartbeats and actually watched them each move. Mostly a consultative appt. Dr Strauss helped us better understand what to expect throughout the pregnancy. Very overwhelming, but Dr Strauss had a great way of putting us at ease.
7/13/2010 (7.5 weeks) - Initial appt with Centre OBGYN. Initial ultrasound. Discover triplets. Were referred to UNC Maternal Fetal Specialist group.

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