Well, another month has come and gone. We have had visits from Mom-mom and Pop-pop to witness the birth of our new cousin/niece, Meredith, Nana has been to visit twice, Popi has ventured this way and Uncle Marc and Aunt Sabrina came as well.
I guess I should start early in the month. With the birth of Baby Meredith, we got to spend some time with Mom-mom and Pop-pop. Chase didn't meet her right away because of a cold so we didn't get any group shots until Halloween night.
Nana came to visit and we went to a local pumpkin patch because the weather was beautiful and we couldn't stand to be inside the house on such a wonderful fall afternoon.
We took Chase to his first NHL game of the season to watch the Hurricane's. It was a night game in the middle of the week but he was a rock star. I was honestly a little surprised how well he did.
Then it was Popi's turn for a visit. He drove down one Friday afternoon and spent the night before heading back to Winston.
Then Nana and Uncle Marc and Aunt Sabrina joined us for Halloween. All in all it has been a busy month for us and we haven't even gotten into the 'real' holiday season yet!
New tricks? Let's see, Chase has learned to climb stairs by himself, but can't get down alone...or I won't let him! He is getting more and more verbal every day, although his favorite word is still "Uh-Oh", although in a close second right now is "Melmo?" (Elmo - his new favorite character!) He is into everything he can get his hands on and cracks me up daily. He still only has 4 teeth (2 top, 2 bottom) is weighing in at a little under 25 pounds and is just shy of 30 inches tall. We are gearing up for the holiday season and I am looking forward to some hard earned time off from work and some fun time with my boys....all of them!
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